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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

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Monday, April 25, 2011

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Monica (2011) – Hindi Movie Watch Online

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Saturday, April 23, 2011

The 5 things every girl does before she meets her boyfriend

1. Get Changed More Then Once

2. Put Make up On

3. SPray Perfume.

4. Get a Hot Bath.

5. Panic About Looking Good.
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How to Be a Good Boyfriend

Be a Good Boyfriend As a Teen
1-Always tell the truth. No one likes being lied to, and then you won't have to worry about covering the lies up

  1. Make her feel important to you, but don't be overly protective. (Instead of snatching the joint out of her hand and threatening to break up with her if she EVER smokes weed again, tell her you're worried about her.)
  2. 3
    Notice the little changes in her appearance, because she likely did it for you.
  3. 4
    Smell nice and keep a clean, smart appearance.
  4. 5
    Hold doors for her, chivalry is not dead!
  5. 6
    If she's home sick from school, call and text every few hours so she doesn't feel lonely.
  6. 7
    Tell her when you are thinking about her.
  7. 8
    Make an effort to get along with her friends. Be friendly, but don't flirt with them. Your girlfriend could easily be hurt by this. Do your best not to argue with them.
  8. 9
    Never cheat on her. Ever. Because if you do, and she has any self respect, she'll break up with you for a guy who will treat her well.
  9. 10
    Reassure her when she's feeling insecure. "Your hair looks fine!"
  10. 11
    Don't be controlling, but don't be her bitch. You guys should both be making choices in the relationship.
  11. 12
    Respect the fact that girls like to go out with their friends.
  12. 13
    Tell her she looks beautiful when she's clearly made an effort (especially for special functions like the prom).
  13. 14
    Try to cheer her up when she's sad about little things. For emotions like grief, it's best to simply be there for her, she wants sympathy, not a solution.
  14. 15
    Don't try to make her jealous, or suggest that she may be jealous.
  15. 16
    Don't tell her you think other girls are hot, even if she asks your opinion.
  16. 17
    Let her play with your hair, even if she's messing it up.
  17. 18
    Don't be jealous about her exes. She's with you, not with them.
  18. 19
    In the same way, don't make her jealous of your exes. Keep conversations about them to an absolute minimum.
  19. 20
    Don't tell her to get off your lap. If your leg is falling asleep have her change her position a little.
  20. 21
    Listen to her music before you decide you don't like it, even if it's a genre you don't like. If after some time you still don't like it, try and nicely tell her you have other interests. Share your music with her.
  21. 22
    Listen to her speak, even if the topic is boring. After a bit, gently change the subject.
  22. 23
    Don't let your friends pick on her. Stick up for her, even if they are only kidding!
  23. 24
    "No" always means no. Even when you think it doesn't. If she's not ready for sex, she's not ready for sex and that's that.
  24. 25
    Always pay for dates, even if she insists, the first couple times. After that you should still always pay unless she insists to.
  25. 26
    Do activities you both love together, and try new things together.
  26. 27
    Kiss her on the forehead and on top of her head, especially when she is feeling down, and always say a simple 'I love you'. It will make her happy. (NOTE: See tip on saying "I love you").
    • Make her something. A paper flower, an artsy heart, something creative that reflects your personality, so whenever she looks at it she'll think of you and smile.
  27. 28
    Remember that no matter who, no matter when, any guy has a chance to sweep any woman off her feet. No woman wakes up saying, "God, I hope I don't get swept off my feet today!" You just have to get on the right path.
  28. 29
    Always be willing and ready to cuddle with her.
  29. 30
    If you are laying out under the stars make sure you hold her hand! And if she says something like, "I'm cold," make sure you move closer to her, or offer your jacket.
  30. 31
    When watching a movie, make sure you are sitting with her, especially if it's a scary movie!
  31. 32
    When she is venting about something (whether it's about her life or about your relationship) don't turn it into something about you. She's just telling you her feelings. Tell her your feelings at another time.
  32. 33
    Don't be afraid of kissing her in public if she wants to.
  33. 34
  34. 35
    Answer her phone calls...and don't complain that she woke you up.
  35. 36
    Call her for no reason... just to talk to her so she knows that you care and are always thinking of her.
  36. 37
    Notice the tiny details about her, if she mentions that she liked something and then 3 weeks later you remember she'll love it.
  37. 38
    If she asks you to come sit next to her or something, it's not a choice, she's telling you to.
  38. 39
    Surprise her! (But not in an annoying way, it has to be sweet and loving e.g. a small gift or sending her something in the post.)
  39. 40
    Call her at night just to wish her sweet dreams.
  40. 41
    Vary your word choice. Don't always call her "beautiful" and don't always call her "sexy". Mix it up. Better yet, compliment her on things other than her appearance or on things uniquely attractive on her. (Her adorable nose, her confidence in any situation, her graceful neck, the way she accepts everyone for who they are, etcetera.)
  41. 42
    It's okay to be lovey-dovey with her around your friends! Don't overdo it though, and don't do anything you wouldn't do if your friends weren't there (don't show her off, but holding her hand is a nice gesture saying "I love you and respect you" without making it look like she's a trophy or something.
  42. 43
    Don't forget her birthday. Just don't.
  43. 44
    Read her body language. If she looks uncomfortable or mouths "help" to a friend while you have your hand on her thigh... move it. You don't need to say anything, just move it.
  44. 45
    Listen to her boundaries. If she says she doesn't like PDAs (public displays of affection), you better respect that.
  45. 46
    Be silly! [Most] girls will love a funny guy (unless they had a heart of stone). Be funny and silly. Play the game Truth with her or something and ask silly questions. Your boyfriend/girlfriend should also be your best friend...and most people goof off with their best friends! You shouldn't feel like you have to impress each other. Ever.
  46. 47
    Don't always take her to scary movies. It looks like you're just trying to get some action. Try seeing a romantic comedy sometime (it will surely lead to a kiss at the end) or a drama, tragedy, heck even a kids' movie is fun sometimes!
  47. 48
    Give her a cute pet name. Always a good idea. If she doesn't like it, drop it immediately and think up another one. If she doesn't like pet names she'll let you know.
  48. 49
    Don't be paranoid. Let her talk to other guys, don't always worry that she's gonna break up with you, don't always wonder if she's pissed, etc. Just love her as much as you can and treat her right and hopefully everything will turn out right
  49. 50
    Write poetry for her. Writing a girl poetry or a song is extremely cute. Who cares if you misspell something, repeat a word in the same sentence or leave out a comma? A girl will always be flattered that you care enough to do something like that for her. Just don't write her anything Write a poem about her eyes or the way she smiles. Write about her laugh or how much she means to you. If you feel you just can't write poetry, find some tender, romantic poetry and copy the best ones, adding the author's name and under that "This is how you make me feel".
  50. 51
    Never ever ever ever ever ever ever EVER ask for nude pictures. If she wants you to see you naked, she'll do it in person. If she offers, though, you could always accept.
  51. 52
    Write out "I love you", not "ily". And say "I Love You" to her face. If you are sending text and you say "ily" that's all fine and good but it is so much cuter (and shows more seriousness and respect) if you take the time to write I Love You. It means a lot more to both of you. Also, say it to her face the first time -- don't use text. Look in her eyes, take her hands and say "I Love You." When you say "I Love You" mean it, don't just say it because you think she expects you too.
  52. 53
    be honest about your feelings. if you like a girl but aren't dating yet, and you don't necessarily want to date her RIGHT NOW, make sure she understands. if you want to date her, make sure she understands that too.
  53. 54
    Never be mean to her. If you're kidding make it very obvious that you are kidding right away.
  54. 55
    Opposites attract. You can like different things. Even if you have lots in common, you can still like different things and have a strong relationship.
  55. 56
    When they say stop (making fun of them, touching them, joking around, etc.) do it, it can make a girl very angry.
  56. 57
    Don't ignore her! It would make her feel like you are not into her anymore
  57. 58
    Don't change for her. She's going out with you isn't she? Then that means that she likes you for who you are.
  58. 59
    If she thinks that you are cheating on her, or that you like someone else; make sure that you remind her how much you love her and do something cute, or really nice to remind her that she means so much to you.
  59. 60
    Be kind and respectful to her always. But don't cling to her. Give her a little space from time to time.
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  61. visit
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