This article will cover all the basic things to start earning via google adsense. As you know google adsense is one of the most powerful ads publisher network. It provides text and image ads for all quality websites except adult and some specific websites.
Google adsense is PPC network. They pay per clicks received on your ads by visitors, Adsense is known as one of the highest paying ads network thats why its is very popular and one of the best thing in goolge adsense is its targeted and related ads. Google always provide the content related ads i.e if you have a website of wallpapers it will show ads related to wallpapers and photos. This thing increase CTR ( Click through rate ). Because more related ads will appeal visitors more then other ads.
How to Earn With Google Adsense?
Step 1
First of all you need a website or blog where you can publish your ads and for this purpose i had already told in lesson # 1 how to get your own free blog.
Step 2
Add some quality content in you blog which is not copy pasted from other blogs. Because google see quality to approve your account. Once you get account you can put ads in all of your blogs and websites without approval.
Step 3
Go to google adsense website and fill up a sign up form with your blog or website link and all info you provide should be true.
Step 4
Wait for some days but don’t stop to update your website daily. In some days google will email you wheater your account is approved or not.
Step 5
If approved then get ads by signing in your account and then put those codes in your blog or website. for this if you need my help i am always availabel for you.
If not approved then update you blog with more cool things and apply after 1 ot 2 weeks again.
Step 6
Make good placement of ads so that you can get good CTR and high earning, keep on updating your blog or website with helpful new content.
Note: Keep in mind people don’t only make websites to earn from adsense. Make them with helpful things to help out people i bet you then will earn more.
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